Creative Directors in Medcomms?
The world needs RTJ 5
If there were a contest held for the ALL TIME WORST,this is the one!
You have 1500 to spend on a kit…what are you buying?
John Daker
I don't even know what to say
Which song is this?
Got that cheddar
For everyone who wants to stop investing because of tariffs
This is.. something.
The shit that comes across my tiktok
Choose wisely
WTF is a “notional orgasm”?
Bu ne olum bu ne
See you at the show!
Who is the worst singer to ever make it big?
to expect Trump to take the victims of the collision site seriously.
This shit sucks so much
Chill drum recording at home
To get a Nazi emblem engraving
Base Case Test Jam
One handed game recommendations!?
90s MTV? Who had your undivided attention anytime their video came on?
My 11yo Son After 6 months lessons
What is the longest you have ever gone without sex after you started being sexually active?
An interesting haircut idea