How to tell my doctor I don’t want an induction?
i don’t think i want my baby anymore
>!"Death. A life at Lumon is protected from such things."!<
Thoughts on Ricken and Devon?
Do you know any wealthy people who are still frugal?
Husband Leaving on Guys Trip at 36 Weeks Pregnant - am I Overreacting?
What’s the deal with water?
Cobel/Selvig questions
Overtime contingency
Tired of No One Liking Her Name
“The goats laid the eggs”
Fiancé is giving me an ultimatum if I don’t terminate pregnancy
Helly’s role in MDR and going forward
The elevator
I will literally Venmo someone $20(usd) if they can suggest a girl name I adore
Breastfeeding grosses me out
Do you consider a c-section ‘giving birth’? My husband frequently says that I didn’t actually give birth because I had a c-section and it makes me think that on some level he thinks less of me for being unable to give birth naturally.
3 months HRT going out for the first time.
I. Am. A. Female.
Do you eat fish? Doc said they’re full of parasites.
What cooking oils do you use?
I wish there was a sticky post, which explains how different lenses and focal lengths work
Has god saved anyone from mental issues?
Why would a baby with no teeth need water with fluoride ❓
Ideas for Christmas