Quem é que vai pra praia com todas essas coisas? Rsrsrs😂🤣😂
The Age Gaps were treated differently in other works of CLAMP aside from CCS
Mais Zecão no carnaval
Pedra ou rocha?
Which anime is it for you?
What is something you like about One Piece that most people hate
Got this of ~$80 on Ebay. Quite a steal considering how intact these volumes are. Now to see if I can get 5 and 6
Thoughts on my accent?
Magali e cascão ?! 😶🤔
Rate my European Portuguese accent
Essa foi até boa, mas…..cadê Milena? 😂😂
Senhoras e senhores, o Rei da Sedução
3 sh**ty memes, plus one gif vaguely describing this sub
Algumas avaliações da MSP no glassdoor
Quero ver alguém conseguir citar todos os personagens da imagem de baixo
Pronto! Corrigi a História
What does this have anything to do with hyper masculinity lmao
Gente, que é isso? 😂 Parece aqueles desenhos de parede de escolas
A Panini publica uma história ruim e o fã conserta
What do you feel when you see this image?
Everyone talks about coin flip RNG when this has been the death of me.
Would you risk a ton of wonder hourglasses for a card you really wanted?
Is there something about the series you would "uncanonize" if you could?
Fixed navBar Problems
Oda has crammed too much for the final saga