Where my bikissers at? >:3
Tell me you like Tyler, The Creator without telling me you like Tyler, The Creator
ILDMLFY directors cut wallpaper
What the fuck was the point of this then???
most UNDERRATED tyler songs??
There are no gay boys in my area, only lesbians
what’s your “did not care for the godfather” jpegmafia moment?
What was your “awakening”
What is this shadow on The Ghost~Pop Tape cover?
Just listened to this album for the first time
if the katana zero dlc comes out tomorrow i will buy everybody in the comments a 5090
A Peggy produced song you may not know
What are your thoughts on 😱 ?
Ye should release a food brand so we can wear Yeezy listen to Yeezy and eat Yeezy
I uncovered a (purposely) horrible jpegmafia remix i made a few months ago
Peggy is in the wrong album.
dick to your mouth, name 5 bad kanye songs
The evolution of ye content
Who is this wrong answers only
Kinda want to buy fem clothes but I’m tall as shit :<
If you had to play one album to a person that’s never listened to Jpegmafia before, what would it be
Sailor Sanji
Penthouse aldi