Different streets in Egypt
Trist Hoodie Print (Darkprince96_)
Will I be able to regain function again?
New Sår Sneakpeek
How can I get Markov's sound from Unsleep?
Opinion on dsbm being called „mainstream“ on social media, mostly TikTok ?
Is there kind of a niche for this clothing?
ID on this panel?
How much will you pay for this? 100% coton, Made in Turkey
Which lyric?
Anyone know what guitar(s) B/Nattdal played?
Why rats?
Just dropped my Home collection!
Songs That feel/sound like this pic?
Everyone of us rn
Artbook showoff
Just got this bread with classic monster flavor, wow, not bad.
new to dsbm/black metal wanting to get into the music
just leave bruh
A T shirt I painted today lol
recommendations ?
[s2 act 2 spoilers] discussion for clarity
How Much is this worth?
Blame² in Mandala vol. 2 2008