“How famous am I” posts are now banned.
Chromatic: GENESIS but human
Name 2 auras that everyone likes:
which left hand device best for afk based on average luck
Just woke up to this on an alt.
I rolled 2 luminositys WITHOUT POTION BUFFING between a span of around 400k rolls... bruh.
Soo 750 normal gift boxes later
You can re-colour 1 aura, which aura would you re-colour?
People who didnt get blossom frozen how does it feel to not have the "coolest" aura in the game
Ladies and gentlemen...
3 Transcendent Pots
I've consumed _________, now I'm gay.
I just deleted an exotic void no cap
Pure joy
Daily History Appreciation Post -25
Rip to this 1 guy who missed out on 400m in a game
How cool is aegis from 1-10!! (1 is booooooo get out and 10 is yeeeeeeee)(repost)
Surely one of the most forgotten limiteds (sorry for low quality)
I've seen 2 megas from 1 santa only, (including this pic) Have anyone seen 3 before?
What is your progress toward Matrix : Steampunk? I’m almost done with it 😭🙏
I have had this lucky penny for 20 days now, how lucky is that??
I don't know if this is good or bad for nearly 5m pls lmk