Got my new server set up!
Will my old server be good as a NAS or should I buy new components?
My collection after one year
One year of collecting
Recently bought a Tiger 900 RP 2024. Can't wait for spring!
Er så stolt av Frank Løke som besteg Everest nylig. Hvilken bragd!
The queue to summit Mt. Everest yesterday
Finally completed the N64 Pal cartridge set today. 243/243. Ooh that temporary satisfaction!
Rally Raid Rack
Forest ride on sunday
Russian surrenders to drone
Had my first pinch flat today. What a hassle.
New exhaust and rear shock
I started collecting two weeks ago
Just started collecting
A “minimalistic” approach and organized with limitations.. It sounds crazy, I know ;)
Finally got some mud on it
Just bought a 2022 CRF 300L with 1170km. Cant wait to ride!
Look at what these monsters did
what do you think? argon a4 forte mk2.
Dette synet møter meg når oppvaskmaskinen er ferdig. Tips?
Niemann jukset trolig i over 100 partier
Hvorfor er strømmen fortsatt jævlig dyr?
SV1000S 2007. Engine runs badly when I use the turn signal
Fordi det bra for miljøet 🙂
Judge berates pedophile who raped a 4 and 6 year old.