What song has your favorite guitar tone(s) of all time?
The Beatles, Rubber Soul (1965)
The Beatles and The Long Tall Sally EP
Future One Hit Wonder subjects Zager and Evans’ final single in 1971 was a spiritual sequel to “In the Year 2525” but with a country sound: “Hydra 15,000”.
Artists you enjoy musically and their whole image, but you don't like their ego and narcissism, and they seem like someone you wouldn't necessarily get along with in real life.
Marching in a St. Patrick’s Day Parade. I’ve transformed into my own worst enemy.
Most insane take on this/any sub
What is the dumbest music controversy?
he hates ryan's guts so much 😮💨
I'm just gonna pretend the Anime never existed 💀
Jon Snow's four ladies
Say something bad about your favorite album
Opinion on powwer ballads?
Artists that damaged their reputation by licensing their songs
Their biggest hit was the last song on the album
Season 3 will begin with George's worst writing ever
Underrated trio
These albums are turning 10 this year. How would you rank them from worst to best and how would you rate each album?
My thoughts on the TBATE Anime.
Tbate anime
(Spoilers Main) How would the Reyne-Tarbeck rebellion go if Tywin dies right when it starts
[spoilers Extended] Dunk and Egg
Rhaena won't replace Nettles. Alicent will.
Are Some Music Genres More "Cancellable" Than Others?