Publiczne pokazywanie się w bieliźnie... termicznej.
How do you get someone who specifically avoids politics to see what's going on?
now that it's gone, how did your sanrio pulling go?
AMIO for posting my moms texts that said I look like a PDFile
Jak ukończyć liceum jako dorosły?
Tak to kolejny taki post,ADHD u dorosłych Jak się za to zabrać ?
What rhythm games did you play before project sekai?
how many 4stars u have?
How many 4* do you have?
How many songs have you cleared, perfected, and APed?
What’s a song you feel has a misrated difficulty?
I thought that those type of players disn't actually exist......
What cards are you stealing?
Choose a number from 1 to 1625!
Those of you who have seen the infamous Funkytown gore video, what's it like?
What are Lana Stans called?
Songs about having sex because you're sad/lonely
Random question but...if Sera ever gets the SG skin (hopefully) what colour would you want Seraphine to represent? And why?
What widely beloved movie do you not like?