Iraqi and Iranian Shias: What are your thoughts on black people?
الحين صدق وش الفرق بين الشوفة الشرعية والدعارة ؟
What has happened to her ?
I am 5”8. The only time I am made to feel short is when I buy jeans. I have never had any issues with women
I guess I don't have to explain who turned out to be the real man in this fight
If God created Adam and Eve, and they only had Cain and Abel, who did they marry? And if they had wives… where the hell did those women come from?
I am tired of all this Ter Stegen hate.
إيميل إنتحاري أرسلته للمخابرات السعودية في ٢٠٠٨ (١٤ سنة عمري كان) أيام كنت جهادي صحوي متطرف. إيش تلاحظوا؟
[Score90] February Ballon d’Or Rankings
العراقيين اللي هنا جداً محترمين عكس العراقيين اللي بباقي مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي نادرا ما شفت عراقي مو محترم هنا
What is it about ssri that make it hard to cum/orgasm?
What attack made you truly feel powerful in this game
NCAA officially bans biological males from women's collegiate sports.
Saudi Arabia, in swift response to Trump, says no ties with Israel without Palestinian state
What's something that isn't therapy, but feels like therapy?
What’s the name of your group chat with the boys?
Is Trump setting himself up for a false flag assassination by promising to go to war with Iran if they try killing him?
When was the last time we had a foreign coach who loves the club like this man does?
Why does Allah hate me
Caught a guy in my gf bed last night(26F) (24M)
Nasibis accusing our Imams of Homoseuality
Is this fungal infection?
ليش الشيعة مكروهين اكثر من اهل السنة؟
Please pray for my mother
Girls Spit On And Bully Guy For Getting Cheated On