Hb "I don't know how you did it, but it's perfect."
Stacey looks really beautiful here, no more tweakments please!
Ideas and/or thoughts of what the 3rd movie will be about?
Throuple Fakeness
Gino’s Secret
Gaslighting and body shaming!?
If they ever air Ethan singing again I’m going to sue for emotional distress
Veah is married to the dog sitter?
Loren is already in hell...look at how the cameras view him....
Caught Josh in a bit of a lie. On Between the Sheet; Josh says and does one thing but in the actual episode...claims the opposite.
Whitney has lost alot of weight, but these pants gotta go! "Celebrities"? "Fans"? 🤔🙄😅
They're baaaaccckkkk
What is wrong with this guy??
Are they even real therapists? Or they another paid person playing the part?
Fresh meat 🍖
How many times does she go to Disney? I swear it seems like every other month
Why are the Last Resort therapists so useless?
Marry, Smash, Pass: The Other Way
Darcey’s two piece swimsuit
My husband and I found out that my great grandpa is his grandma’s uncle, and now I’m pregnant. Should I be worried?
Josh and His Son
Anyone see this?