Are they even real therapists? Or they another paid person playing the part?
What is wrong with this guy??
Fresh meat 🍖
How many times does she go to Disney? I swear it seems like every other month
Why are the Last Resort therapists so useless?
Marry, Smash, Pass: The Other Way
Darcey’s two piece swimsuit
My husband and I found out that my great grandpa is his grandma’s uncle, and now I’m pregnant. Should I be worried?
Josh and His Son
Anyone see this?
I thought Cruz was gay this whole time
Guardian ad Litem
Oops NUTalie did it again….
Kyle Gordy is still donating
Non lethal option for law enforcement
can NOT stand his ass
Last Resort: How long is too long to not have sex with your partner?
On FB: Robyn tells Kody it’s a RILLY big DILL
Asuelu and Kalani have a 3rd child?
Mr.Arc's drops his best wisdom and knowledge to date.
My husband spotted this: Booby shot! I can't believe him of all people spotted this...and he hates the show besides the Pillow Talks and Between the Sheets. (T)rash (L)is and (C)onspiracy
AITAH for wanting to change our child’s last name because my partner has decided he doesn’t want to get married?
julia’s age?