[QCrit] Dark Urban Fantasy - RISE & FALL (72k) v4
[QCrit] Dark Fantasy - RISE & FALL (72k) Version 3
[QCrit] Dark Fantasy - RISE & FALL (72k) Version 2
[QCrit] Dark Fantasy - RISE & FALL (72k)
26 [F4F] Seeking a Relationship
As a mental health worker or someone affected by mental health issues, what is one thing you would want to say to educate people about mental health and to lessen the stigma and shame surrounding it?
How do you cope with executive disfunction?
23/F/USA - Making friends as an adult is harder than it looks.
What could you talk passionately about for hours?
My therapist is wrong or right about EMDR?
Aversions to wearing hair certain ways.
What would be a good job for someone with autism, chronic fatigue, executive dysfunction, brain fog and OCD/anxiety/disassociation, and a disabled hand? I only have 3/4 of my bachelor’s degree.
Wow... so are you, like, allergic?! What can you eat?! Are you sure it isn’t all in your head?!
You get a check for $500 in the mail every time you poop, but you always have diarrhea. Do you accept, and how do you capitalize?
I fucking love this resort!
PMS and Autism
Impostor syndrome- anyone else?
Is anyone else’s identity or personality based on the mimicking and masking that you’ve done since childhood?
My child has autism. Adults on here with autism, what do you wish your parents knew about growing up and what was something they did that really helped?
no regrets - a philosophy
Does anyone else feel like their brain is going a million miles an hour?
Anyone else have IBS that ruins their life?
People of reddit who used the “fake it until you make it” method, what was the thing you faked and how long did it take it to make it?
Would I suit this haircut? (be honest)
Androgynous plus size Office Clothes