H: Plan: Gatling Plasma Calibrated Capacitor W: Leader / Big Guns Bobbleheads
H: 25k caps W: Pink Asylum Dress
H: Bundle mod box W: Loon + Brahmin Fasnacht mask
W: Overeater & Anti Armor Mods H: Fasnacht Masks & Caps
H: Gatling Plasma Accelerated Nozzle plan W: Leaders
H: 150 leaders W: Ultricite Jetpack Helmet
H: Sale mod box W: Leaders
H: The Fixer plan W: 25 leaders
H: 5 2*inteligence mods, conductor, bullys, scanners w:2 thru hikers for the 5 inteligence mods, 1 thru hiker per 4* mod
H: Sentinel (5)/Thru-hiker's(5)/ Arms Keeper (5) W: 20 leadears each
H: Box mods 4* W: Tesla Science 9 (30)/ Big Guns Bobblehead (30).
H:loon mask W:insane leader offers
W: 2 Anti Armor Mods H: Quad mod + caps
H: Caps W: 2 Explosive Bobbleheads
H: Box mods 4* W: Tesla Science 9 (30) / or/ Big Guns Bobblehead (30)
H: Sentinel (5)/ Thru-hiker's(5)/ V.A.T.S. Optimized (2) W: 20 leadears each
H: Box mods 1*-4* W: Leaders
[PS] H: 3* Fully Modded Gatling Plasmas w Accelerated Nozzle, Calibrated Capacitor, Stinging Core, etc. W: 20 leaders each, or two unyielding/one powered Mod each.
H: 10 Leaders Each W: x10 Vanguard Mods
H: Box mods 1*2*3*4* W: Leaders
Soloing EN06 not possible
H: Bundle mod box 4* W: 1 Reflective
H: Crafted Gatling plasma with Calibrated, Stinging and Accelerated W: 10 leaders, 10 flux, 50 coffee, or 5k ammo (open to other stuff as well)
W: Unyielding, Powered , Arms Keeper Mods H: Explosive , Big Guns , Energy Wep Bobbleheads, Rare Plans ( 10 Bobble PER STAR )
H: Sentinel/ Limit-Breaking mod box W: Leaders