What do lenders look at?
Anyone take a loan from your 401k for your down payment?
Would buying or renting be more advantageous in this situation. My parents will make me give back $40,000 if we don’t go through with buying a house.
Based on my GPA and research experience, how likely would I be to get into a Biology Ph.D. program in a graduate school?
First time home buyer in Texas
[WaT] The Thing In Wit’s Pocket
Just learned carbs are calories that aren't included in the nutrition label.
My cover is too big
I keep having this craving
Shouldn’t some sort of water proofing be used on tub surround? This house is ~ 20 years old and regular 1/2” drywall was used around the tub and shower. Rip out and replace with something appropriate?
Finally I get to post one of these
Mom Switching Over
We did it buddy!
Should I use the service my real estate agent’s broker uses for transferring utilities or is this something you did on your own?
How do people submit art covers for these journals?
My partner just recruited Halsin
Purple book cloth?
Which one should I keep
Having an off-center TV
Pulling Roth to pay CC debt
What home issues would warrent not purchasing a home if found during inspection?
Mmmh, lies...
How does insurance/lenders know about issues.
I have brought to you all, for better or worse, the objective correct answer for imagining Hoid
How are y’all doing it