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Akasha Build and In-Game Stats
Is this team alright or nah
Can I leave the mines?
Should I go for M1 or wait for Astra
I am at peace, but my journey has just begun
1 Crit Rate roll away, the mines demand more sacrifice
Did I build her wrong? She performes okay but I would love to maximize it eith your tips
I guess this is fine.
Rate this build bros 🌺
You taking that chance?
Guess i'm really unlucky
Team Build
After seeing so many great builds here it's my time to retire
Am I finally free from the mines?
Minimum time to get 2 limited 5-stars?
Nightmare crownless or dreamless?
What are best long term characters to invest in that i won't regret besides Miyabi?
I hate this game.
Husbando tier list [ as lesbian]
Besides Robin, who else is good for my account?
So... this is now "canon", but i'm kinda annoyed
Which one is the best?