No way FS is gettin cut. We got a plush now.
*sees the fyreslayer plushie*
Ogre Yhetees
Just to bring a little bit of hopium
Any shorthand to help remember the general vibe of each major faction? Example: Draconis have a samurai like culture (I know it is reductionistic, but just looking for ideas to help me remember)
Knowing that Khorne is on the in the future section of the roadmap, what are you guys wanting in the new battletome and models?
Advice on beating Vampire Counts
New to LRL - List advice
Another update on my diorama
New Cathay Rumors from Chapter master Valrak! What do you think?
TOW: Ironblaster or Scraplauncher?
New player/builder question.
Cathay announced.
More bloodshed on the horizon!
Where would knights sling their shields?
Green Knight Kitbash
New FAQ dropped
Dipping toes into Exiles
Brand New and Overwhelmed (Soviet Help!)
Do you think this would make a cool army scheme?
Peasant archer for a new unit!
Tips on freehanding heraldry?
Pegasus Knights
Peg Knight Flight Stands