I just had a small binge (about 40 carbs worth)
portfolio pieces
Finished this new piece for my portfolio!
Some recent pages for my portfolio! Cc welcome as always <3
portfolio, but i think i know where its lacking
what should album cover should i use for my ep?
Trying to think of a name/pick a photo for our album.
Want to start going into shops soon. Does anyone have any feedback or tips?
Where do I begin with Tattooing?
Is this neat enough to put in my portfolio?
Tips for learning to draw pin ups?
First time using FW acrylics
Update: am I ruining my painting?
Some work in my portfolio
A flash i did recently! Focused a lot on colors
14g to 12g septum one month
What's Your Personal Favorite Underrated Song
what was everyone’s first midwest emo song?