What is your income and how much did the bank let you borrow?
Trades people etiquette...
The 2.0 Duo we all want
Cynthia! You're so beautiful but what on earth is this look?
Guys it's imminent right?
Why do they keep doing this to Kandi 😭
LMI vs no LMI
What do banks look for when checking your spending habits for a mortgage assessment?
How's everyone's electricity bills looking from the heat this summer?
Khloe’s lips have gone full sci-fi!!! There’s no way that’s intentional unless she's auditioning as a flotation device. Someone get her a doctor or maybe just a pump to let some air out!
Sutton & June bug look related
Arriving internationally at Melbourne Airport has to be one of the worst experiences you can have here
Rank your top 5 favourite beers
It’s official - Brisbane Metro is a bus.
Sunnybank Market Square has a craazzyy vibe
What are some pleasant surprises you discovered after purchasing your property?
poor jennifer tilly lol
CDJ 400 still worth in 2022?
It is my biggest fear that I will accidentally say ‘I love you’ at the end of a work call, has anyone done this?
How many days of sick leave is "too much"?
2nd day back in office, how is everyone coping?
Foreigners of Brisbane: Where Can You Find the Best & Most Authentic Food From Your Homeland in 2025?
What is the most pleasent - non-sexual , non-drug - experience a human can have?
Am I the only one who feels like iOS 18 is unusually low quality?
What are your control center setup?