what movies would u say everybody should watch?
when do i start fear the walking dead should i even bother?
should i change my base layout?
glowing glyphs on trolls?
how do i remove 120 fps cap?
gonna play god of war (2018) but how long/good is it?
good mindfuck movies?
few questions before i start learning german
thinking of retrying elden ring but one thign bothers me
should i get astroneer?
[IIL] what would u reccomend me on my playlist?
any games i shoudl add to my modded wii u?
is thsi a good setup so far?
I did it first 100% ever!
can i jsut jump back i nafter not playing for 2 months?
should i choose another character then base isaac?
is lego worlds good?
where do i start with god of war?
what are good guns for each class?
Scott the Woz is finally making the LEGO game video!
jow exactley does researcch work?
mods u reccomend? (f1 manager 24)
I did it first 500-ish meter snipe
u were all right about the krag
what kidn of server is BoB