Enough time has passed
When a sequel to a poorly received property is critically beloved.
(Rare trope)canon bad endings that are NOT visibly reversed(not counting unintentional bad endings)
When the main character's iconic items/weapons get destroyed in the last episode or chapter
Bard giving Thranduil puppy eyes when Bilbo says they can prevent war is probably my favorite “funny freeze-frame” in both film trilogies
Should I paint Devastation Optimus’ Matrix?
Was sentinal planing to kill them when they would be escorted?
Why the fuck did they train oil drillers to be astronauts instead of teaching actual astronauts to drill?
How are these 2 shows/comics made by the same guy?
Would you argue Code Veronica is more Chris game and Revelations 2 is more Barry game?
How was he not the choice over Damon for Odysseus?
Which Battle Mask for BB & OP is your favourite
Got a cat? I’ll doodle it. Drop those pics! 🐱🎨
Why do people consider Transformers One to be a children's movie?
Like most, I was kinda ready to hate this guy when I got him in hand… but I don’t. He’s actually kinda cool.
Opinion: Best book in series (ToG)
My favorite Elder Scrolls game, “Obvlivion.”
What are these??
What are things you say to your partner during sex?
What's your favorite John Connor line
there are many animated shows made for adults out there, but bloodless cartoon violence doesn't make a show "for adults"
Unmodded Skyrim """Cities"""
Opinions on bad endings?
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