I’m engaged and uncertain if the relationship is healthy
Shampoo and conditioners are on sale at Ulta!
Snow Shoveling?
Do you plan to retire here? (IOW, if you didn't work here, would you still live here?)
Went back to drug store shampoo/conditioner and not looking back
Did anyone else notice this in season one?
Do you use a loofah/cloth in the shower or do you use your hands?
Where are the real jobs?
What else can i put Kimchi on???
Anyone Else Get a Surprise Penzey's Shipment?
How do you make your coffee?
Why does Manassas have a bad reputation?
"Make your coffee at home!" Tell me, oh internet community, what are your frugal ways you make coffee at home? (I use a reusable Keurig filter)
What! Starbucks is closed?
Uber drivers ask me to cancel and pay cash for airport rides, is it bad to do this?
Weird Smell in Bedroom
I got my own gift in White Elephant
Centreville High?
If you thought Lindsay dealerships were ripping you off, they probably were
Guys, I think I've worked out what they are doing
Shaving your legs.... how much time does it really add to your shower time?
Am I Overreacting on how i feel about my christmas gift?
Anyone ever move into a hotel room as their residence? Any hotels in Virginia do that?
AITA for refusing to give my mother access to my savings account even though she says it's for "family emergencies"?
I got the J&J Covid-19 vaccine in 05/2021. I need a booster for school. What should I do?