Losercity discord call
Map of the West Coast from how I see it, send like criticism and stuff since this is one of my first Fallout maps
The partition of Serbia after Ww3, 2039
The Illahee Chuk Soviet Socialist Republic, formerly known as British Columbia
Gallograd, Russia
The Thunder Dragon | 30 Years after Bhutan purchases the US
Someone posted the original, asking for somebody to turn it into a Wojak, can’t find that post so here it is, lol
Does battle damage affect the resale value???
COL things Lego sould MAKE!!!111!11
Losercity alliance
What should I call this country and how powerful on a scale from 1 to 10. 1 being the British empire
What if West and Eastern Rome survived?
What would the TF2 mercs look like as trains
Look what I found
Losercity Wrong Show
What video game soundtrack makes you go like this?
Losercity taste
arminius my king
My girlfriend made this while i was looking for the correct pukeko to use
what the fuck
We should make a list of all the evil things Aperture has done
Maya Streams STALKER instead of cringe sex speedrun
M17/M17A1 Mask Inspection