Rainy gloom {GRiii} B & W or Color
The set up—>The photos
Jamaica {GRIII, LR Edit}
Rainy Drive {LR edit}
GRIII Reporter
Light and Shadow {Hexar AF, Kodak T-Max 400}
Her Corner {X100VI, Tri-X from FujiXWeekly}
How much better is this compared to the old 18-55 (2.8-4)
Midnight Oil {X-T30ii, XF56 1.2 R} Color or BW?
Stingray {X-E4, XF 27mm 2.8}
Trick or treat {touch snap focus is a cheat code}
A few shots from my X-E4 and XF27mmF2.8
Water Color {X-Pro3, Fuji 27mm Mk2}
Angel {X-E2S, TT Artisan 27mm 2.8}
Love day with my lovely wife to be {X100VI, Vibrant Astia by Osanbilgi}
Backyard Shots {X-E2s, TT Artisan 27mm} Portra 160 recipe FujiXWeekly
1 or 2 {X-Pro3, Fuji 27mm Mk2}
First shots from my first Leica {D-Lux 8}
First shots from my first Leica/M43 {D-Lux 8}
Favourite set ups for XE-4?
Trip to Jordan - Fuji X100T
Favorite Primes for 50mm+ focal length?
Which color works better {X-T5, XF16-55mm F2.8}
1 or 2 {X-T30II, XF 18-55mmF2.8-4}