Total destruction: land rover
Obs chevy and a Dakota both runners and more stuff
Did some shooting out in the bush and found this 4runner dumped off a logging road then got sideswiped on the drive home.
Could this be the first Porsche here. Sadly this happends to often just not worth the money to safe.
Rolled over civic and other things
Weirdest thing
Losing focus and Monday pile finds
Lots of cars today. All running and driving minus the square body
Disco, Concord and more
Windstar with a blown trans and other neat things
Finished my corolla 4age engine swap
Classic karenvan and a aircooled vw motor
Colorado, forrest gump and some wheel chairs
Dorito and other things
I made a huge mistake in the last post. Now who is the patron saint of scrap
Lawnmower mayhem
S10 for scrap
Like a rock
Day of the drive-ins camry and volvo both drove in for scrap
Absolute destruction featuring engine removal
No pile finds today so have this instead 🙃
I never get tired of that sound
Happy holidays
Few things from today
Wrecked Sierra and some pile finds