Real Human Femur Knife I Made!
What video game is too easy on normal but too hard on hard?
It’s good to start a new year with a new KDM campaign and a few more painted models for collection ;D Can’t wait for the package with Frogdog and Black Knight!
Nice park kook
One punch man offers free knuckle sandwiches
"Netanyahu to Skip Auschwitz Event to Avoid Being Arrested for War Crimes" - the irony is insane
Dumbasses get close to a cargo ship
These items were owned by a Neo Nazi who has just been sentenced to 10 years in jail in Scotland
My best friend taught me that you’ll miss 100% of the shots you don’t take 💜
Do any of you have a side-hustle?
Hi folks I just wanted to show off some of my favourite prints I’ve made this year :)
TIL Bungie hasn’t touched the Dawning Tower decorations in years…
Another attempt at reduction printing
Entitled “Christians” grabbed one of the Santa letters I printed for the children to color and give to their parents at our restaurant and left it on my table for me to learn my lesson
Is it just me or this sound like something a Mall Ninja would post online?
Any risks in storing cards like this?
Advice for Year 12 who just graduated
Applying for provisional accreditation?
Media Inspirations people have noticed?
Rate these i made these for 6 of my local businesses
3D Printed Shirt Block Prints
Cloak of Taniks
Crazed rabbit for my first attempt at printing!
Donald vs Bentler woman
Games where you can throw enemies off ledges and into hazards?