Who prefers Kotor 2?
Why is Jolee's backstory not discussed more?
Stealthfin Farming help
Volume fluctuations after commercials
This isn’t a troubleshooting ticket
Timer stopped counting
I finally did it
Endearing imperfections
Daily spins
Zorua shiny fake out
Rib roast sous vide
Disturbing? (In a good way?)
Game Chat: 7/9 Braves (60-28) @ Rays (57-35) 1:40 PM
Exploring Cambodia
I wanna talk about a glitch
In retrospect, what's the most noob thing you did on your first playthrough(s); of either KOTOR?
I once had a dream that I reached that archway
Top 75 - How far off we’re Tony Parker and Manu from making the list?
Who is still in?
Battle question
5 zaalbars now lol
Currently replaying KotOR 1 again, and I came across something on Taris I’d never done before.
Playing this game through for maybe the 12-15th time and this is the first time I’ve gotten a double zaalbar glitch.. anyone else ever had this? Both have the zaalbar talking queues