Who is the most disturbing Stephen King character?
Songs where there's a ringtone
Are you cooked or Nah?
Gay variant confirmation
Too real?
Single words that activate a whole fanbase's hivemind
Name your fav artist (totally stole this)
Guys this is the first lego set I’ve actually seen on my Twitter timeline being actively discussed ☠️
Best name ever?
What should I read next?
Infamous Fan works/Fan creations (For good bad or in between reasons
Songs that reference Stephen king
Help with a bug
Evil versions of the protagonist that have the protagonist’s name in theirs that aren’t called evil, dark, negative, or any version of those.
Name a good character, presented as evil
Idk what title to add lol
(Loved trope) Media where the protagonist or the player is actually the villain
Out of these 4 who do you hate the most?
a character's iconic line, said in the most badass way posible
First Classic Doctor you watched?
Go ahead. Say whatever you want about the prequels.
[Hated Trope] A New villain!? (No its the same dude for the 100th time)
Do it
Characters who want money not 'cause they're greedy, but just broke as hell
Rose Madder theory