Joker, Ann and Ryuji on the subway...along with a Switch (Art by faviliash)
Persona 3 if they had TikTok
Let’s say you’re a new member of the phantom thieves… what would be you’re weapon/firearm
What if the Makoto and Kotone were locked in an apartment together 😳
"That's what you get! For living in your head." (Art by 11syrups)
Who’s your favorite character who’s British?
Are you happy?
Does ketchup belong on spaghetti?
Favorite Character with a random caption added to it, because uh... I forgot?
Are you gonna get banned on no?
May I say something?
favorite characters you either made or have cursed edits on
my birthday cake
Do you pay your taxes?
…Huh? 😭
Two favorite roles from your personal favorite actor?
Their friendship is so precious
Type your username name with eyes closed.
Sua in my style !!
shogi partners
Would you please sign my petition?
Guys, what do you get when you add "-s" to the English archaic second person plural pronoun?
Did you choose your own reddit name or did you let the app decide?
The size of my hand (very small) in comparison with the Hand of the other Dude (very large)
P4. Rise grabbing Naoto for a kiss by 酢田