What is the best age gap to have between two kids?
What is the best car seat??? (Desperately need recs!)
Reverse osmosis water vs. filtered fluoridated water.
Reverse osmosis water vs. filtered fluoridated water
Infant daycare
15 month year old doesn’t sleep through the night. Any shared experiences or advice?
Did anyone’s self esteem hugely plummet after giving birth? Any advice on how to feel better?
For those who were on the fence about having a 2nd child, what did you end up doing?
For those who were on the fence about having a second child, what did you end up doing and how do you feel about it?
Did anyone suddenly get severe depression / anxiety around a year postpartum?
Would love your thoughts on daycare. Is it NEEDED for the socialization?
How to deal with the guilt of now sucking at your job.
How did you choose between working and being a SAHM? Are you happy with the choice? Do you live in a HCOL or LCOL area?
Spiraling with regret… how do I shake off the sadness ofm missing so much of my baby’s life?
Anyone start off working full-time then drop to part-time or SAHM later in their baby / child’s life?
I’m a year postpartum and feel like I hate my husband, parents, and even my dog. Has anyone else felt like they hated everyone / had all of their relationships deteriorate?
Please help. Our baby will NOT let us brush his teeth. Desperately need advice and tips!!!
Can attachment be healed? All stories, anecdotes, and even just opinions welcome!
For those who work part time, how many hours do you work per week? Do enjoy your situation or do you have a more ideal situation (whether that’s working more hours, less hours, or being a SAHM)?
Are you working full time, part time, or a SAHM? What work be your ideal working situation if you had a choice (# of hours or not working at all)?
Are you working full time, part time, or a SAHM? What would be your ideal working situation if you had a choice (# of hours or not working at all)?
Full time vs. part time. What would you do?