interesting glove
Bow on a T-Shirt
i think my existence broke this guy’s brain
Black to blonde, is it possible?
Tried doing my nails for the first time
My dad put me into debt and this is his response
saw this on tik tok the other night
I draw cats (note: I am offering to draw cats)
You're Mine😈
Meet Ariel!
What snake is this?
A compilation of my screaming floofs if you’d like to draw them
Freyja and Minnie go screm
I don’t have anyone to tell. But I’m really proud of myself for reaching this milestone
can someone draw my cat
Two days before Christmas my HOA hits us with the news we will owe $3400 in special assessment fees on Jan 1
HOA making me repaint my entire house during Christmas week because the paint has slightly faded
Car with no plates, "F*** AT" tagged all over, and a ticket on the windshield.
Can anyone draw my puppy hilariously badly
i drew this picture of my dog and i when i was 8. he passed in july, would this be a bad tattoo?
Well i guess Liam lawson doesn’t exist then
Surgery to treat ectopic pregnancy, featuring intact amniotic sac
Aries my male bush viper looking like a crystal toy ❤️🔥
My Female Red Headed Krait ❤️🔥and Female Malayan Blue Coral Snake💙
How can i deal with trapped gas pain!
I cheated on my piercer in Las Vegas…