Where did I leave that stinkin bone????
Whats your favourite way to activate your Saint?
Hi friends, I’ve got 14 years alcohol free today.
Comma comma comma comma comma chameleon…
Panting on the couch/ideal home temperature advice please
Netflix is raising their prices again, what's a price point where you would stop paying?
Waffles enjoying the weather
Tell me you're sober without saying you're sober
Rocky sleeping the morning away
Mess of a Tail
Maple was in a good mood this morning
How much is your rent increasing by this year?
I did the 5-year sober thing. Best decision ever. Fuck alcohol.
Darwin's 4 months old! God sake I love him so freaking much
Just Donut enjoying the weather
I Love My Best Friend Zeus ❤️
Meet Takis(yes like the chips) 2months and 3days old 20lbs. Ain't he so perfect 🤩🤩.
What to drink on NYE? Help!
Day 1 of trying to get a comment from every Wisconsin county
Who else loves night walks in the fog?
Someone visited the cow pasture :/
Missing my sweet girl
He liked the dog park!
Oversized chair for an oversized dog