Is it normal to enjoy slaughtering chickens?
…where are you?
Creepy bus driver with bad intentions
It was bound to happen. Smashed my first pocket egg! I'm officially part of the club now, right???
Advice for Beginner
Bone in tank?
If I want a shrimp tank with different colors and wanted to maintain those colors, which kind/color of shrimp should I get?
If I want a shrimp tank with different colors and wanted to maintain those cookies, which kind/color of shrimp should I get?
Frog egg black dots on the outside of the clear part? Did these eggs die?
useful task management apps?
Don't get caught slippin'
When I buy myself stuff on Amazon, I use the Gift option and write my future self funny or uplifting messages that I forget by the time the package arrives. I am a pit of absolutely pathetic.