For those who have "won the game" - did you change your life? Why or why not?
Masterbating in marriage
Traveling while on injections?
Did an increase in estrogen help with libido?
I need help with disappearing eyebrows
Should I increase my estradiol patch dose above 0.05?
Seriously disturbed over women my age
Jury duty scams?
Insurance coverage and serious problems
Am I over reacting? lol I
Can you forgive cheating before marriage?
Do those on estrogen take labs to manage levels?
How do I (28f) tell my husband (30m) I’m not happy here?
Afraid this might make things worse
The pill after hysterectomy
Not sure where to start....
How do I (26F) trust my husband (24M) again after repeated lying/betrayal?
My husband wants to leave me because I did a loyalty test on him.
ELI5 why is it illegal to sell my own organs
Non-stop Urination on HRT
Tissue saturation
I’m 31 and I am WHAT!?
Got a reminder that I have a good husband. Please share if you have a good spouse as well.