what is you guy's favorite, or in your opinion most interesting Wild West nation? And no, the SCA doesn't count
Althist videos in a Pax Britannica Timeline (PT 2)
Whats the deal with the Heartful Covenant?
I'm the guy who converted to Mormonism IRL. AMA
God Bless America and God Bless the Enclave!
Ethics rule
Gaians attempting to seduce a Californian Knight
"Doomsday Clock" did a lot of things wrong, but I love that it reaffirmed Superman as the center of the DC universe.
Giving out badges, that I hope are affirming
What is his aslume name? (I'm actually curious)
AtE Orientalis Dev Diary #4: The Angel from the East
Fridge moment rule
Looking forward to sharing this submod - just got some playtesting to do
For the straight Femboys (me included. Kinda)
What's his aslume name?
Is man going to save me? Or am I stupid?
I think I’m ok guys
Saying 5 of 42 from "The 42 Universal Sayings of Guru Elton the Lawgiver"
Ham is real
When will Landless Adventurers arrive in ATE?
May we have more monarchs who merit sainthood
Why does monarchists dislike the Slovak republic, when they do not dislike the Swiss republic?
Revelationist Warrior finds a Bass Pro Shops cap at the Bass Pro Shops pyramid ruins
Viking cheerleader during a sacrifice