maybe maybe maybe
Is there a game mode that you use for just casual non sweaty play ?
Someone decided that my Darth Vader statue caused them great offence. I have no idea who did it, or why, I heard a thud from outside my front door where it had been for the last 3.5 years to find it in 2 pieces :(
Void Oni mask quest bugged
Lego afk machine, trying again, easy to add 4th :)
Changes to LEGO XP
To who william is praying?
Over the Hill and Outta Loot: Weekly Discussion for Fortnite Veterans (40+)
Airbnb's struggles go beyond people spending less. It's losing some travelers to hotels.
Best Hot Dog Recommendations
What’s up with Cable’s arm in early X-Force?
pet boarding
Tonfas are sick
Okay now that SOTE has been out for a while, what's your favorite weapon from the DLC?
Anyone know what this mysterious cave that leads to nothing is? It's near the Palace Approach Ledge-Road grace inside of Mohgwyn Palace.
Ants vs. Vinyl
Lego XP not working after the update?
Diablo loot?
Unlimited free Blacksmith patronage!
Least Popular Cards: What kind of redesign do they need?
I stole Defeat from the jaws of Victory - Can anyone explain why my Carnage score didn't apply to the Left Lane?
Gladiator is a good card because he is fun but not meta-defined.
How do you feel about this?