Jumping through hoops for Detachments
How to beat Tau as GSC?
Tell me the advert was written by a Nt without telling me it was made by a nt
And despite all this. I will still chose to be a Helldiver. Least amount of Parent-Child Drama
Level 16 - Level 116
Best Corsair Voidscarred loadout with Yvraine
So Siege Regiment...Sucks
Mixed castes and non-fire caste military
Based rule
If you gonna simp for Xenos, simp for the right ones at least.
I want to know where these two guys were when bugs ripped his family to shreds literal seconds later.
This Week in Destiny - 01/16/2025
Rat-girl chan has been promoted. She is now a Skaven Champion! by Steam_Darimy
Destiny is still extremely fun
Helping new players is absolutely hilarious
Darktide was peak
Can orks join Tau?
Anyone else hoping we get a S.E.A.F themed warbond?
She forgor
lol. Nice try.
Guys, I unironically think this is our moment to shine!
How the fuck do you folks pronounce her name?
Is the Baselisk and Wyvern basically useless now?
Bonded heroes fix?