"I'm Yaku-Chan! I'm only 3 and a half years old!"
What would you do if Tama was in heat?
Mr Krabs once said…
How did this even happen?
Yet another code for yall, hope yall enjoy!
What devil fruit would be most useful in your profession?
We've all felt like this
The things you could never see before widescreen.
Question about fast travel
Curious, what would you guys say is the most "Actually that'll be super Easy, barely a inconvenience" moment in One Piece?
How many of you only got into Xenoblade originally because of chuggaaconroy?
Aokiji and Nami
What did Sally say? (Wrong answers only)
What's that game that everyone loves but you don't like it?
GImme some stuff G1 Megatron said
What game is this?
Which blades can procreate?
I've had this image in my head for the longest time.
What made Tama react like this?
Are there Missable Quests?
Nanos Awesome 😎 100GirlfriendsManga
Do we even have that image?
Can you fight *late game boss* early?
What you see is what you get. I'm just a guy who loves balls!