[homemade] Mango Mousse with Coconut Flakes, Mint Leaves & Maraschino Cherries
Are premium, super, or excellent fuels found at gas stations of higher quality with better additives, or do they just simply have a higher octane rating?
Is higher octane fuel better for an engine? Does it increase the engines longevity?
If someone rarely drives their car and doesn't reach the recommended 10,000 miles, how often should they change the engine oil?"
Ended the internal debate, ES 350 or 300h.
If money was not an issue, and you could only buy one car. Which Lexus would you buy?
What are some of the scariest video games you've ever tried?
Would you prefer buying a cheaper second hand car in cash, or taking out an auto loan to buy a brand new nicer car that you always wanted?
I can’t get over this car 😩
What are the top 3 video games you really miss from your childhood, and would recommend others to try?
What's the fastest way to go broke in our present day?
Easy Games You Loved
Which time period or eras would you like to see be more frequent in games and especially from the bigger budget studios?
What's your rarest platinum?
What was your first OLED movie?
Here in Germany we have Pokemon Shampoo and I've catched them all 😊
Should I wait for 27 inch 4k oleds?
Anyone else trash their PS2 as a kid and deeply regret it now?
I have 87k saved up,want investing advice
3080ti current users, how are your temps?