Is it cheaper to buy frozen mice, or breed mice in the long run?
A schizophrenic person self-trephinates
Tank as long as the fish…
What do yall do for a living?
Books that you enjoyed but were so emotionally devastating that you would never want to read again?
Is there a song that just gives you a creepy feeling?
Looking for a new hobby
My delusions are running my life right now.
Found this at a local fish store 😬
I had tomorrow off and now I'm on the schedule
Is this snake overweight?
Why do you still work at WM?
What is it like working in Produce
Narcissistic Personality Disorder will they ever admit they have a problem?
What's a gross thing you do that you secretly like doing ?
Please stop letting your kids lay and sit on my bag thing?
Driving tips please
Is the monthly premium really this much or am I reading it wrong? I don't understand health insurance.
How to work on NPD and ASPD?
Can the 6 root canals wait?
Need 6 root canals
Do you genuinely want to get better?
What is the darkest book you’ve ever read?
For all departments, what do customers do that annoy you?
When you, a binge eater, sees anorexia as a side effect for a medication you want to try. (I'm going to be good and not ask for it maybe)