What is a good embryo number if I plan on 2 kids
Anyone using Trianglen in Denmark
Hormones and impact in your mood and emotional stability
WHO has announced a hiring freeze
Day 15 of stims and follicles still around 13-15mm
My first IVF cycle
My Manta does not turn on some mornings
Government-Funded Reproductive Rights Website Taken Down
Day 9 stims
Non-UK born peeps, what's the best restaurant of your native cuisine that you know in London?
Raclette cheese
Egg retrieval
Je me sens en décalage avec mes collègues de travail
Frozen transfer
Egg retrieval forward planning
Anyone has heard when the third batch of mantas from the US store is expected to be processed ? I am 1111**
Manta shipped
Anyone has received the shipment notice for a Manta order during third time window (post 12am EST 13th Dec)?
Anyone starting IVF in January?
Order arrived UK
A5X2 Available!
In a perfect world what age would you choose to have your first baby?
Anyone else over 40?
Yall, I did it. I made and birthed a baby.
Follicle size at baseline assessment