Don’t go back
My ex didn’t love me
Sometimes you have to let them go
Lost Lovers
I’m hurting right now
MSP 6 Month Review. If you have any questions, let me know!
What did your breakup teach you?
I don’t want to be forced to tip anymore
The fact people go out alone to a cinema/restaurant/bar or any other public place should not be considered "weird."
Do not be someone’s revolving door
Having a wedding is not worth the stress and the amount of money dished out
Finding hair in your food is really not THAT gross.
Why are you older and still a virgin?
People from Western countries are so quick to call Africans or other people from developing countries uneducated
Texting is a great way to resolve arguments
The normalization of steroid use will have profound negative health effects for today's young men.
Toilet paper sucks.
I dislike most dogs because of lack of training
The “Friday” song by Rebecca Black was actually a bop
Politics Mega Thread
nostalgia is a burden on our culture
Do you need to bulk in order to put on muscle mass?
Kissing your parents on their mouth is nasty
Race related issues Mega Thread