Some scenes from The Prince's Tale missing from DH movie
If the last show/movie you watched described your sex life, what would it be?
What are some confusing or dumb questions that you would pose if you were the door knocker of Ravenclaw's common room?
The best acting by a kid on SVU
My Ron and Hermione! Do you picture them differently?
What was the hardest SVU episode(s) for you to watch?
Ron and Hermione's frenemies to lovers relationship is everything 💅
What kind of boyfriend/husband do you think Ron will be to Hermione?
Love this
Harry and Cho
I like Fleur
If every person in the world disappeared but you, and you could summon anyone to keep you company, who would it be and why?
One thing that always irritated me about the movies
Is the Harry Potter Studios in Watford worth it with two kids (under 10)?
Heading to studio tour London
Ron Weasley is our king
To anyone wondering why Draco Malfoy is a popular character (since this question gets asked so often on this sub), here's your answer👇
What's a movie you'd forever recommend to people?
After almost 28 years since the book came out, which character do you feel has been judged too harshly?
What would you like your job to be in Harry Potter?
How pissed would you be as a first-year at Hogwarts during the Order of the Phoenix era?
Watch Movies first, then read book. You'll enjoy instead of complaining
How it could've ended
Why didn't Dumbledore confront the Dursley's earlier?
Dumbledore should be in Slytherin