About the end of Climbing Up The Walls…
What does my music taste say about me?
What do y'all think about Thom's voice?
How old am I based on my lock/Home Screen?
I know I’ve been asking a lot of these questions but what are your general thoughts on AMSP?
I had a dream I met Neil Cicierega (again)
Oh to be a cat on my owner’s lap sleeping to Radiohead
Why are ppl aphobic??? (like dont like asexual ppl)
Your most cursed image is the food you're gonna eat for the rest of your life
What’s the most representative song from each album?
How does the parent’s environment influence their offspring’s species?
One phase that will trigger a whole fanbase
What album or EP/Single by Radiohead would by Scott Tenorman’s favorite?
Thoooughts on The Daily Mail/Staircase?
Genuine thoughts on these singles/EPs?
Why is he getting naked? I’m scared.
What level of Radiohead fan are you?
What was your first impression when you heard the other songs by Radiohead? If you knew them through Pablo Honey
Opinions on A Wolf At The Door?
what’s radiohead’s fan base name?
Learning to play guitar
You're in the club and this guy walks up and slaps your girlfriend's ass. What do you do?
Radiohead wallpapers I found if anyone wants em
Amnesiac painting + redone Kid A