Which font works better ? Logo is for a nightlife app
Posting a second font comparison for a nightlife app. Which one works better between these two ?
Any idea what’s wrong with my anthurium palidiflorum?
What are these spots on my palidiflorum ? This is the only leaf that has it currently.
Which would be the correct method to create clear space around my logo? I’ve seen both so I’m not sure
Deciding between two options for nightlife social app (extension of my last two posts)
Updated version of my logo for an app that enhances communication between bars/clubs and customers through notifications
Seeking advice on a logo Im making for an app that aims to enable bars to reach customers easier through notifications and for patrons to learn about promotions that bars are having or special events.
Trying to achieve a similar color grading scanner effect in that feels blurry/lo-fi but not overly grainy or overdone and has a similar warmth as these images, kinda hard to describe but I’ve seen a few artists who achieve this look
How do I eliminate the glow on the perimeter of this lettering?
Interactive Video?
Looking for a puffy duvet insert that will give me this cloud look under $300 that is an all seasons weight
The pot getting out of hand
Costco vs Macy’s comforter?
My new grow light set up for my small arid collection (and drossera)
Trying to grow live sphagnum moss on top of the peat moss with my drossera (inspired by benjiplant) the moss does not do well though and this is my second attempt. Any suggestions? Or is there another type of moss that I could use that may be easier and also do well growing on top of peat moss?
We have these in our shower, it’s like a fly but smaller and more pretty
Made Julia Child’s Beef Bourguignon in my Dutch oven
Just got my first piece, is it normal for the letters and other areas to have these black spots scattered on it?