Que me empija escuchar o leer esa mmada..
Dana White credited for saving UFC fighter’s career with ‘life-changing’ paycheck he didn’t need to make
Obvious question this one: Which of the short stories is your favorite? (impressions formed based on adaptations included)
Two world powers are weakened - now Europe has to return to being the "center" of the modern world.
Just how big of a deal was it that Archer was spaceracist toward Vulcans?
Why the hate for Benedict?
Remembering his Death
ContraPoints on Dark Enlightenment ?!?
Which is your fav episode?
Guys, do you think Punchline could appear in the show?
Best writer the show has ever had
Vegans Who Hate Animals What's Going On With These Posts?
Despite both being modern adaptations of the character, which actor's portrayal came close as possible to the original/book Sherlock Holmes?
Las cárceles deberían generar dinero en lugar de costarnos impuestos?
Is There a Good Argument for an American James Bond?
Brent and patrick
Why are you able to like your own posts?
As we hit the 3 year anniversary, how has your Steam Deck changed your relationship to gaming? I’m severely disabled and the key to its incorporation into my daily life? Flexibility.
Yes people really are this dumb
Dadders, I need your help.
How is Damian and dick Wayne related? Biologically/blood relations
Kids, turn off the TV. I have some bad news about Denny's.
Have the boys mentioned Orci recently?
Check please
‘Star Trek: Section 31’ Ranks On Nielsen’s Top 10 Streaming Chart