Can someone translate or explain the meaning of this song to me please?
Recently my world has turned upside down, where would you go at my age recently single?
Constant chest tightness with no explanation, I'm so fed up
Just turned 30 and became single, what do I do?
How common are ppis?
Burping up liquid and fold shortly after eating or drinking?
What heart tests have you had to be sure it's not your heart
How does the low acid diet fix reflux?
Which city is the nicest / funnest in the UK?
Hard to be peaty when you suffer acid reflux, anyone else?
Tight chest when running
In so scared right now, I've had tests but still not sure
Costo or gerd, still have no clue
Tight chest all day and pressure
How common is acid reflux in france?
Following my acid reflux post, tried baking soda and had a horrible result
How safe are PPIS?
Tried baking soda, made my chest tighten up
Has anyone cured reflux / gerd? My life is hell
Do you get acid reflux?
Anyone deal with acid reflux?
Does your chest feel tight 24/7?
What should temperature be waking up and mid day for best metabolic health?
Severe indegestion from most foods. Dunno what to do anymore
What's your typical day of eating?