“Where are the Jedi children you promised me, Grand Admiral Thrawn!?”
Work In Progress picture of my Emperor’s Arrival diorama, featuring most of my stormtrooper collection!
University of Pittsburgh students cheer as they look down on Forbes Field from the top of their campus's Cathedral of Learning during the 1960 World Series, Oct. 13, 1960. [800x559]
how do I use a scroll?
In Georgia, this grave marker features a map to guide others away from the snake that took their daughter's life.
I found 1999 Episode I Hasbro MicroMachines Podracers at a local toy store
Did they ever feature this droid outside of the Special Edition?
Thoughts on the rumored Oblivion remake by Virtuos Studios
Rocket Power (1999-2004)
Were their any other in lore reasons why Trakata wasn't utilized that often?
What’s a piece of media in sw that everyone likes but you hate?
So I’ve bought my wife the big Lego millennium falcon for her birthday, but if I wrap that box up she will immediately know what it is. Any ideas on something I could do to make her work for it?
What type of gambeson would be correct for a 12th century Templar?
I don't care what anyone says, this is my favorite character in the underdark
Could the Collectors & Reapers have been defeated... without Shepard?
How do people work the same job 9 to 5 for 50 years till they turn 60s and not go crazy?
You Fight NOW?!? After Everything we've been through!
New house doesn't feel like "home".
Do you think Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is going to be the best RPG of 2025?
Did the Act 2 forced long rest eat my owlbear egg? 😮💨
Our Earth is no more and you must move to a nation on Tamriel where are you moving to and why?
Just installed the game, are there any essential mods that I should download?
House Temp - Comfort vs. Saving Money
[Gamecube][early to mid 2000s] A game where you controlled and customized either robots or mechs and were able to swap out individual pieces of your robot, i.e. a different arm had different weapons and abilities
Does anyone else picture Jane Lynch as Stratt?