Picked up what I've been told is a DS hidden gem.
Happy birthday to one of Mississippi’s very best - Elvis Presley!
Is working a night shift worth a start in broadcast?
A2 Delibird ex card concept
Anyone else dealing with vacation days off
What is the "industry standard" for video editing software?
Konata and Osaka in my new year's dream what does that mean?
If the Phantom Thieves were in Duel Academy from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX which dorm will they end up in?
Young me going to my first concert and wanting to be the ultimate alt girlie
Odd question but is there any town in Mississippi that gives Stephen king vibes
What should I do for Holiday broadcasts
How do you delete phone numbers in tired of hearing about this bitches Cubone
Is Portal Collection on Switch worth it?
First time turning on heat in my apartment, Fire alarm went off
What a great pull !
Is it just me, or are Ryhorn and Rhydon significantly worse than most cards?
Jackson Downtown Parking Meter Rally
What're yalls favorite songs, but not including the band practice songs?
does anyone else organize their elements by color?
What're you playing this weekend? 10/25
Should I reconsider my producer role?
[eShop/US] Inscryption - $7.99 (60% off) Ends 11/01/2024 *lowest price ever*
First time being a news producer..😀
Does anyone else hate that News is a competition?
I'm going insane