im 14 and what the fuck am i looking at
I found one in the wild…
some of y’all gotta quit equating empathy with morality
I think swear words in TV shows are funnier when they’re bleeped out.
I just realized I do something weird when I’m alone, and I need to know if anyone else does this
DAE just keep on spraying Fabreeze on their bedsheets instead of just washing them?
I can’t pinpoint anything causing a problem here
DAE feel indifferent towards existence?
I love when my anorexia makes me think that im a monster for letting my stomach pudge out a little bit
My dad sends me this every now and then. I have clinical depression.
There’s a special place in hell for whoever designed this.
This restaurant placed a sticker over the "No Tip" option to force customers to leave a tip
Need to function to start functioning
M25, should I just be patient and keep working with what I got or is it too scrappy?
What are the typical effects of high altitude on the brain?
I'm not fine
Why do some people run warmer than others?
What’s the best physical feeling other than anything sex-related?
Finding gay parties
Can I eat too much Total cereal?
Does it feel better to be angry and hateful all the time than it does to be sad and crying all the time?
Excellence is a full-time commitment
My hands are CRISPY. How do I fight this in the dry cold weather?
Anyone else's void enjoy knuckle-deep ear violations?
I ran a 5k on a whim and did great!