[PS4] H: W:
H: My 1st "Rare" AFK Mask From PS5 W: 1st Correct Guess to Have It
[PS4] H: Glowing Robot W: Glowing Pig
[ps4] H:GHoneybee W:reflective mods
H: leaders W: 20k fuel
H: deathclaw + feind w: 40 leaders
[PS4] H: glowing mino W: glowing alien
H: glowing mino W: glowing alien
H: deathclaw W: brahmin or raven
H: 40k caps W: 30k steel
H: GHB W: Rare apparel or Leaders offers
W: Arms keepers x3, Agility x4, Overeaters x4 H: Mods in return or offers (no leaders sorry)
H: Glowing Veggie W: Glowing Pig + Add
[ps4] H:glowing mino W: other glowing
H: Glowing Pig Mask W: Best Mod Bundle In Description
H:Glowing Scorchbeast queen or Glowing Robot W:Listed below
W: Pinpointers. H:leaders (30 per)
H: Leaders W: Rangers, Reflective and Pin Pointer mods
H: Lvl 5 Pink Baseball Bat W: Indigo Bat any lvl.
[ps4] h: glowing minotaur W: glowing alien
H: 10 leaders each W: non glowing veggie mask and non glowing abe mask
[PS4] H: glowing honey bee mask & caps W: furious, heavy hitters, strength, and pounders
[PS4] H: Leaders W: mods
[PS4] H:Pics W:offers